

Created by Dave Taylor

Giving the articles of 28 magazine physical form.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The collaborative effort
about 1 month ago – Wed, Feb 05, 2025 at 06:46:17 AM

As you surely know by now, the 28 community are all about collaboration. Enthusiastic people bringing their varied skills to the table to make magical art happen. Well, today we wanted to spotlight a bit of that magic and share another dark and grim project that is currently funding on Kickstarter. 

Will is a member of Team28 and is the person who put together our excellent 28 Collected campaign video (check it out at the top of our campaign page if you haven't already). Will also writes games, games like Forbidden Psalm and the others in that setting – The Last War, Kill Sample Process, etc. 

Right now you can go and support Will's latest project, a double-header of small skirmish games in the Forbidden Psalm setting - 28 Psalms + Horse War. He's keeping it simple, with physical and/or digital copies of both, as well as some cool FREE STLs and fun stretch goals that are being achieved as we speak. 

Check out the campaign here:

Thanks, Will, for all your hard work as part of Team28!

Combat Biologist Unlocked, PLUS we're on our way to the processional Gatefold!
about 1 month ago – Sun, Feb 02, 2025 at 06:20:19 AM

It is always nice to wake up to a stretch goal achieved!

Combat Biologist on the shores of the Mediterranean, painted by Dave Pauwels.

The Combat Biologist STL will now be awarded for FREE to all backers who pledge for at least one copy of the 28 Collected book. The Factory Fortress team will be handling distribution of the file after the BackerKit pledge manager concludes.

Processional by Martin McCoy

Excited by the imminent campaign to bring 28 Magazine into the physical realm, Creative Director Alexander Winberg, and Staff Artist Martin McCoy discussed a new, celebratory piece of art, and Martin set to work creating this hectic, chaotic, somewhat disturbing tableau.

We loved it so much that we wanted to give it a special place in the printed book, so we're setting our next stretch goal to achieve the funding for a lovely gatefold (or fold out). 

Rough mockup of how the gatefold would work.

We're very excited by the response to this project. We've been working hard on it for the last (almost) year, and it is incredibly gratifying to know that that work is definitely appreciated. Thank you!

Share the campaign!

With a fairly simple project, we decided on a shorter campaign, just two weeks long. This gives everything a nice, tight focus, but it also means we need you, our wonderful supporters, to share the news far and wide. let your gaming and painting friends know about it. Share it in your local Discord channels and social media circles, all the places we couldn't hope to reach! And again, thank you all!

Dave and Team28


Stretch Goal Achieved, and Combat Biologist revealed!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 01:36:47 PM

That's right, you have all helped us achieve our third stretch goal, which means we can pay our contributors! To clear up any confusion, all of our contributors and Team28 work on 28 Magazine as volunteers. No-one was expecting this, so we're very proud to be able to provide it, thanks to your support!

The best way for us to keep taking this wonderful project forward is for us all to share it in the various Discord channels, comment sections, and social media groups that we might be a part of (always check with the mods first, though). 

This Combat Biologist looks dangerous!

During the Trench Crusade campaign last year, we collaborated with the Factory Fortress team and created the Scripture Guardian (painted version shown at the bottom of this post) to represent 28 Magazine in the grim, dark world of Trench Crusade. 

Now, we are pleased to reveal the stoic Combat Biologist for Trench Crusade! Mike Franchina created the art, James Sherriff (founder of 28 Magazine) sculpted the model, and Tuomas Pirinen will be writing the rules (we're expecting it'll find a home in the Mercenaries). 

When we reach THIS stretch goal, we'll be able to provide the Combat Biologist as a FREE STL to all backers! (Note: Factory Fortress will distribute the STL to everyone via

We are very excited by this collaboration, and a few of the team have painted up some early prints!

Painted by Juho Törmä

Painted by Alexander Winberg, Creative Director of 28 Magazine

Painted by Dave Taylor

Painted by Dave Pauwels

Scripture Guardian painted by Dave Taylor

So, let's get out there and share this project around. Next stop, a deadly lesson in Biology!

Dave and Team28

An incredible start (and stretch goals)!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Jan 29, 2025 at 03:59:29 AM

Thank you all once again! 

It is amazing to see that we're at almost 1,000 supporters already! 

Yesterday was an incredible whirlwind of activity for me. We had a bit of an issue at the start where things were showing up as "US shipping only", but thankfully we were able to get that fixed pretty swiftly and with a minimum of fuss. 

After the launch and subsequent funding in just over an hour, I prepared for my weekly YouTube livestream – Build Paint Play – where my co-host Jake and I chatted with Adam Wier, Eric Wier, and Martin McCoy of Team28. You can check out the episode HERE and see us talk about the origins of 28 Magazine, the 28 Collected projected, and the wonderful art of Martin McCoy.

As I hope you can tell, everyone involved is very passionate about providing a quality artefact for your collection...

Which leads me on to our Stretch Goals. 

Our first stretch goal (already funded) is the addition of two black ribbon bookmarks to every book to make it easier to mark your favorite article/image/illustration and keep coming back to it.

Our second stretch goal (also already funded) is something new for one of my books, a spot gloss varnish for the cover. This is an additional layer of gloss varnish over certain sections of the cover to enhance or draw attention to them. 

Our third stretch goal is something that is near and dear to the hearts of Team 28. With the online magazine being free, there has never been a budget to be able to pay contributors. When we reach this stretch goal we'll be able to put aside funds to pay each of the more than 50 contributors for their contributions to the project. We're very excited to be able to do this. 

Once we reach that goal, we'll be able to reveal the next one, and we're confident you'll love it!

Dave and Team28

You did it!
about 1 month ago – Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 10:14:56 AM

Thank you all for your support so far! You did it!

In the year that we've been pushing this project idea around, we've struggled to get a handle on how it would go. It could be huge, but it might be small. You never really know when taking a leap like this.

But the community has shown that we still value the tangible. We value art that can be leafed through whilst relaxing somewhere cosy. 

We'll have some fun stretch goals coming up, almost all designed to continue to push the quality of this printed tome. 

Until then, enjoy this image from Team28 artist Martin McCoy created for the Vastarian tarot deck.

Dave and Team28