BackerKit surveys have been sent!
12 days ago
– Fri, Feb 28, 2025 at 09:33:38 AM
Surveys are on their way!
Hello, everyone! Things went very smoothly with our smoke test. No issues revealed, and so we have unleashed the rest of them. Over the next 24 hours, surveys will be arriving with all backers, and you can start filling them out.
Our current plan is to have the pledge manager open for SIX weeks, at which point we'll close it up, lock orders, and charge cards. We'll then wait until we're a little closer to fulfillment before locking addresses in place. So, please make sure you get the surveys filled out as quickly as you can.
Of course, if you have any questions about the survey you can ask them here in the comments on this update, or via Kickstarter's messages with me directly.
Pre-order store!
We're also opening up the pre-order store today, so that if you have friends who missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, they can still join in and support the book.
Our next update will include some fun information about Procurator Sprenger, our final stretch goal miniature STL unlocked during the campaign!
Cheers Dave and TEAM28
Smoke Test!
14 days ago
– Wed, Feb 26, 2025 at 06:11:54 AM
Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Our BackerKit pledge manager set-up has been approved and the next step is to send out the smoke test – 5% of backers will receive their survey and we get to find out if there are any issues around shipping fees, weights, etc. before the survey goes out to everyone (which will hopefully be on Friday, February 28).
If you receive your survey today or tomorrow, please complete it promptly so we can keep moving forward.
Feel free to contact me here on Kickstarter if there are any issues along the way, and we'll have another update for you all very soon!
Cheers Dave and TEAM28
Thank you, everyone!
29 days ago
– Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 08:59:54 AM
We would like to thank everyone who has shown us support over the last six years of 28 Magazine – our team mates, our contributors, the thousands of people who downloaded our magazines, and the thousands of people who have now pledged for the physical collection of these articles.
Without your support, we might have stopped somewhere along the way and never started again. We are very excited by what this latest support means, and we will continue to move forward with new issues and other collaborative efforts.
In the coming days and weeks, we'll keep you updated on the project, and how things are progressing, but here's a quick look at what to expect soon:
• Now that the campaign has successfully concluded, Kickstarter will start charging cards. This can take up to two weeks, but keep an eye on your emails, in case Kickstarter encounters an issue and needs your help to resolve it.
• In about two weeks, we'll send out your pledge manager surveys from BackerKit. This is where you will pay for shipping, and can add a book or two (particularly if you haven't pledged for one already).
• We'll also open the BackerKit Pre-Order Store at this time for those who missed the campaign and would like to jump in with a late pledge.
• We'll keep this store open for about six weeks. When we close it, we'll charge all cards for pre-orders as well as Kickstarter backers for the shipping fees. At this time we'll also be able to release the free STLs to everyone who backed for at least one book.
If you have any questions, pop them in the comments below and we'll do our best to answer as swiftly as we can.
Thank you all again! Dave and Team28
PS. There are a couple of other campaigns running (or about to run) that you might want to check out:
We've done an update about the 28 Psalms/Horse War Kickstarter, and we wish Will all the best! Check it our HERE.
And we're happy to support our friend Aaron/Jolly Lark with his cool Byzantine Trenches STL Terrain project, which you can find HERE.
FREE Miniature Stretch Goal Achieved!
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Feb 09, 2025 at 09:56:36 AM
A big thank you to everyone!
We've now passed the sixth and final stretch goal with the unlocking of Procurator Sprenger! This character design from Boris Moncel will no go off to Rodolfo Silva to be sculpted and become an STL that we'll give, for FREE, to all backers who have pledged for at least one book. We're looking forward to sharing renders with you in future updates.
We know that there are still folks out there who love the 28 movement, have downloaded 28 Magazine, but have not heard about this project yet. We're very appreciative of all the sharing of the campaign online in various Discord channels, and other social media groups, but we know there's still more ground to cover. With roughly two days to go, we'll be making a big push and would love it if you could share everything you see too. Let's plant the seeds for more projects like this Thanks!
Cheers Dave and Team28
We have a gatefold! PLUS a new miniature STL on the way!
about 1 month ago
– Fri, Feb 07, 2025 at 05:20:19 AM
Another milestone achieved!
A big thanks to all of our backers, we can now include a gatefold in the book featuring the wonderful processional art from Martin McCoy (excerpt featuring everyones' favorite drummer above). I know we're all very excited to be able to add this to the book.
Character design incoming!
Buoyed by all of the support for this project, Team28's other resident illustrator Boris Moncel has been hard at work concepting a new character for our sixth stretch goal. This miniature is system-agnostic, and could represent any number of wonderful characters across many varied worlds. A pompous, bombastic, and puritanical inquisitor sent to root out corruption in the command echelons of an important hiveworld. A starship's captain with a penchant for boarding action violence. A Hell Knight driving hordes of Yoke Fiends and Wretched before him across the pock-marked No Man's Land. The possibilities are vast.
When we reach our next stretch goal, this character will be sculpted by Rodolfo Silva and provided as an STL file to all backers who pledge for one or more copies of the book, for FREE!
This goal is definitely within our grasp as we enter the final push for the finish line! Help us get there by sharing the campaign with your friends, your gaming clubs, your hobby night hangouts, everyone.